
Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Billie Groom

“My journey as a trainer started with a positive reinforcement certification, which was great, but I wanted to keep learning to better serve my clients. I engaged in many courses, and nothing compares to CCBT. It is logical, effective, creative, inspiring, and lifechanging for myself and the dogs.”

- Mais St.Thomas, Student of ICP, 2024

“I hired Billie to help me with my adopted dog, and, as a certified trainer, quickly became intrigued with her method. I had left the profession, but am eager to return now that I have the skills to work with rescued dogs and dogs with emotional challenges. The course is challenging, fun, and motivating. I thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.”

- Susan Chapman, Student of ICP, 2024

“The world needs to recognize that animals are sentient beings, and Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps this to happen. Thanks, Billie, for your work with dogs.”

— Marc Bekoff, Biologist, Ethologist, Author, 2022

“Billie Groom, a leader in canine behavior and education, has pioneered the Institute of Canine Psychotherapy. Advanced education focused on innovative methodologies and best practices are now available. Cutting edge courses designed to help professionals and advocates designed to increase their impact in the canine community! …innovative approaches to understanding and effectively addressing dog behaviors that will enhance the lives of the canines you love.”

- Human-Animal Interaction Section of the American Psychology Association
(LinkedIn social media post - 2024)

“Billie’s insight and her knowledge of canine cognition and behavior has been invaluable in the development of our canine enrichment product.”

- Alexandra Smith, Canine Innovations, University of Texas, 2024

“ I read your book and in my mind you understand that their (dogs) natural social behavior means they’re responsive to sensible training.”

— Dr. Bruce Fogle MBE DVM MRCVS (veterinarian) President of Humane Society International, 2019

“It was a pleasure having Billie in our PhD class on Animal Cognition and Emotions. Her progressive approach to working with canines deserves further research in the academic arena.”

- Else Veerbeck, PhD, Professor, University of Sweden, 2023

“Billie’s deep understanding of canine behavior combined with her extensive hands-on experience continues to make a positive impact. I always enjoy speaking with Billie and look forward to connecting on future projects.”

- Colleen Dell, PhD, University of Saskatoon, 2023

"It is clear Billie is experienced with street dogs and ones who display aggression. She has been a valuable asset to this campaign.”

- Dr. Erika Flores, DVM (veterinarian), IFAW Staff, (Re: Spay and Neuter Clinic, Mexico) 2017

“As a psychiatric nurse, I am impressed by Billie’s knowledge of psychology and behavior. Her method is the canine version of cognitive behavioral version, and Billie is, by far, the expert.

- Wendy Treble, Dean of Psychiatric Nursing, Sask Polytech, 2022

“It was a pleasure working with Billie at the Animal Behavior Society Conference. Her approach to canine behavior and welfare is progressive and impactful, and her knowledge is impressive.”

- Clara Vorhees, PhD, Board of Directors - Animal Behavior Society, 2022

“Billie changed my perception on how Louie perceives me and situations. In doing this, I can effectively and calmly manage him in difficult situations.”

— Dr. Melanie Roth, DVM (veterinarian), client, 2019

“Upon reading Ms. Groom’s book, I noted the similarities in her approach to that of the findings of Dr. James Ha (Dog Behaviour, Modern Science and Our Canine Companions). His book scientifically explains the reasoning for the success of the methodology formulated by Ms. Groom. I believe Ms. Groom’s knowledge and experience would be a beneficial addition to learning programs designed for professionals and volunteers working with dogs over the age of six months.”

- Michael Burns C.C.W., B.A., M.Ed., Author, College Professor, 2020

“Billie has skillfully and patiently guided myself and my wife through the process of integrating Ruckus, our rescued adolescent dog with nervous tendencies and anxiety, into our “family of dogs”. I am experienced with puppies, yet learned through my experience with Billie how different it is to work with a dog with a checkered past. Her methodology is effective and her vast experience is beyond helpful.”

- Dr. Jeff Baier, DVM, Veterinarian and Vice President at Planned Pethood International, 2022

“As a graduate of the American Behavioral College and a Certified Behaviorist, I highly recommend studying under her. Billie mentored me for 2 days and I learned more about how reactive, aggressive, and anxious dogs think and process than in the entire ABC course.  I also highly recommend reading her book.”

- Rachel Johnson