Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Billie Groom

Billie Groom is the founder of, and expert in, Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a revolutionary method proven to decrease anxiety, aggression, and behaviors common in the adolescent stage. Her extensive work with dogs over the age of six months, many with challenging pasts, beginning over three decades ago, stems from her dedication to ensure all dogs are understood, respected, and encouraged to thrive cognitively and emotionally, thus preventing surrender and euthanasia.

In the early stages of her career, Billie started one of the first pet care businesses in Toronto, Canada which spawned her interest in adolescent and adult dog behavior. She sold the business to learn more about rescued dogs and the industry. Billie’s determination to better understand these dogs led to her rescuing and rehabilitation and rehoming hundreds of dogs, all with their unique stories and personalities. She is grateful to these dogs, who not only trusted her, but gave her the opportunity to embark on her own learning path, leading to the development of the method that has shaped her entire personal and professional life.

Her “unintentional” career as a behaviorist and her impact in the industry opened the doors to connect with psychologists, psychiatrists, veterinarians, scientists, rescue organizations, and industry experts. Her desire to continue her learning journey led to extensive volunteer work, research, collaborative projects, courses, studies, and uncountable “chinwags”, all of which expanded her knowledge and improved her ability to help dogs and people.

Billie is seen on Roku TV, LA Tribune, and CTV, and featured in Psychology Today Magazine by Marc Bekoff. She is the guest on many podcasts, including The Vet Blast, and is a returning guest speaker at the Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Conferences and Animal Behavior Society Conferences. She is the author of an award-winning book and has her own podcast. She is a recipient of the 2024 Best Business Award and has received many accolades throughout her career.

In 2022, Billie completed the Brain Development in Life Stages Courses by Dr. Kathy Murphy, and in 2023 completed the Cognition and Emotions to Improve Animal Welfare course offered by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science as part of their PhD program. She began the PhD program in Leadership and Change at Antioch University, but due to unethical practices on behalf of Antioch, made the difficult decision to leave the program, a decision that led to the launching of ICP and her continued studies at the University of Sedona as a student in the PhD in Transpersonal Ecology program.

Billie’s dedication to dogs is relentless. Despite the challenges inherent in an unregulated industry dominated by traditionalists, Billie forges forward in her mission to spread awareness on the benefits of, and need for, canine psychotherapy in an industry in desperate need of progressive initiatives.

Billie Groom - Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Billie Groom
Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Billie Groom